What Is A Funeral Directive And How To Create It

In this post, We discuss related a Funeral Directive and how To Create It? Though it’s not pleasant to think about, it is vital you sit down with your family and make plans for your funeral. Since emotions will be running high following your death, it will be hard for those closest to you to know what needs to be done. To avoid this, create a directive associated with your funeral. If you’re curious as to what a directive is and how to create one, keep these tips in mind.

What is a Funeral Directive?

When you create a directive, this will detail all your wishes associated with your funeral. This can include if you want to be cremated or buried, how your funeral will be conducted, how your funeral will be paid for, and other important details. Able to be completed at any time, it’s usually best if you do so at or near the same time you make out a will or medical directive.

Steps to Filling Out Your Funeral Directive

When filling out your funeral directive with your family, your first step is to designate an appointee to carry out the terms of your directive. The appointee can be your spouse, an executor, or whomever you desire.

Next, decide if you want a death announcement to be made outside of your close family and friends. If so, you can decide if you want a traditional obituary in a newspaper, an announcement on social media, or other types of announcements.

If you are an organ donor, let your family know this and include this in your directive. By doing so, they will know which of your organs you want to be donated after your death.

The fourth step will be deciding on the disposition of your body. This can include not only traditional burial or cremation but also having your body placed in a mausoleum or even having your body donated to science.

Following this, decide if you wish to have a service in your memory. This could be a memorial service, visitation, and funeral, or graveside service.

If you opt for a funeral, your sixth step in your directive will be deciding the funeral specifics, such as where it will take place, eulogies, and music, if you want an open casket, and other wishes you may have for those in attendance.

Since funerals are expensive, step seven will involve your remaining estate and how your funeral will be financed. For example, you may have insurance that will cover the cost of your funeral, or instead have money taken out of your estate to pay for everything.

The final step in creating your directive will be any additional end-of-life wishes you may have. This can be almost anything, so think about this carefully. For example, if you have pets, you may want to name the person you want to take care of them after your death.

By planning now, you can gain peace of mind and save your family and friends from the agony of trying to make difficult decisions following your death. If you need help with Funeral Directives, you can contact websites like GoodTrust for more information.
