Instagram Vs Pinterest – How to choose images for your social media posts

Images are provided with a visual and appealing representation of your social media account. Many people want to know how to choose images for their social media posts. It has been observed that people use social media to interact with communities around the world. For better interactions, your content should be more engaging and attractive to engage more connections. 

The images play an important part in displaying the image and traits of a person posting the image. Therefore, choosing the best and exceptional image is necessary to interact with more connections. The images you post on your website should not be repetitive but different from the pictures posted by your friends. 

Let us discuss some important methods to choose images for a social media account.

Posting images with your respective message is necessary because research says that there is a 98% rate of comments on LinkedIn due to engaging images. Similarly, Tweets and Facebook posts have more interactions and likes on posts with images. Therefore, choosing an image for social media posts is a necessary part. The following methods help choose the image for your post.

One of the best methods to choose social media posts is to think about some useful strategies. For Social strategies, it is necessary to research the audience’s interest. Ponder about the likes and prior engagements. You can choose themes for your social media posts that might be attractive for your connections. You can even post a collage of appealing images. You should have quality research about the peak times of social media users. There are certain hours where users are active and you can post your images there for more engagements.

You can use your creative ability to choose an image. If you have an image with low colors, you can paint that image through image tools. You should know the editing, brightening, and contrasts of the image. If you have an image with low light, you give brightness to the image. For more creativity, if you want to look up the image source and want to add information about that picture on your social media platform. You can find images on the web and related information. Reverse image search technology provides the facility of image search through which you can search by image you have and find similar images. This process can help you find accurate information about the image and you can post relevant information without spreading misleading details with your network.

Before posting the image you should check for the specification of the image that it is fitted in the frame of the social media platform or not. If the image is out of the frame, you can resize the image according to it. Most of the time some appealing themes are cut while resizing and cropping the image, even if it affects the quality of the image. In this regard, you can find images on the web or find similar images with suitable specifications. You can search images from Instagram and Pinterest and reverse image search can also help in this.

Instagram and Pinterest share the same mode of communication through images with some useful details. Both networks support influencers with more audience and engagements. These influencers help in spreading the word and advertising some brands. We can say that the basic concept is the same but there are a lot of differences that make both platforms unique. Let us demonstrate some differences between Instagram and Pinterest.

Instagram has four hundred million users worldwide, but the users of Pinterest are limited to one hundred million. The orders of images in Instagram are chronological while Pinterest chooses to be thematic. The images on Pinterest are more professional and high quality while Instagram images are professional but the quality is limited to users. Instagram also gives the feature of user’s privacy but Pinterest lags in this regard. 

For creativity, Instagram has more filters and editing tools than Pinterest. Instagram supports amazing reels and videos as well. You can upload an image through an application on Instagram but it does not support web uploads. On the other hand, Pinterest does not have long video features. It does not support creative tools and edits. Users can upload images both via application and browser.

For popularity, choosing the best and unique images are the best idea to represent your social media platform. If you are a user who needs a high-quality image, you can select the image from Pinterest. If you require filtered and bright images, you can select Instagram. It depends upon the wise decision of social media users to decide the best platform that suits their requirements. Before uploading the image, one must check the popularity and audience engagements of the photo. Even the audience’s interest in your platforms also matters. Therefore, choose the image from popular platforms decisively.
