5 Ways To Make Money As A Teenager Online with Zero Investment


The Internet is now dominating and influencing a large part of our lives, especially now that we are working from home and maintaining the social distancing norm. People are looking for work through which they can earn. You can make money as a Teenager Online with Zero Investment

The same goes for teenagers. Almost everything in their life is at a halt due to this pandemic. They, too, need some closure, they too need some air to breathe, they too need a job and earn from it. Even in these crucial times, teenagers have shown that they are finding ways to earn.

College students are having a hard time finding internships where physical presence is needed. Therefore, they need help from the internet for best paying jobs. 

In this article, we will discuss 5 ways to make money as a teenager online with zero investment. Teenagers who have already found a way of earning money can dodge this article. But teenagers who are thinking of doing something on their own must read this article till the end. 

Here are a few ways to earn money online, and create something of your own. Read all the ways carefully and decide what you want to do. 

If you ask me what is the best way to earn money with any investment, I will say freelance work. It is one the easiest ways to earn money and quite a chunk of it. Be it copywriting, translation, graphic designing, video editing, and marketing. 

There are several websites, which you can find with some research done, that offer teens opportunities to show their talent and earn through it. The websites are everywhere on the internet. 

The salary structure depends on the hour or fixed and the amount of your salary depends on the type of work and skill level. The payments are generally done through banks, so you have to have a bank account. If you don’t have one, you have to link it with your parents. Or use PayPal where it is needed. 

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I really don’t have to break it to you what an influencer does. But for those who are seriously unaware of the term, let me explain. Influencers are those who have a large follower on social media, including celebrities. It depends on what field you are working in and influencing people. It can be gaming, beauty, food, etc. 

Instagram posts can help teenagers to earn a lot through sponsored posts, brand promotion, product reviews, affiliate marketing, selling their own products and many more. 

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  • If you are a nano influencer you can earn upto 4,000 to 15,000 if you have 1,000 to 10,000 followers. 
  • For micro influencers you can earn upto 15,000 to 40,000, with the number of followers of 10,000 to 50,000. 
  • Let’s say you are a mid-tier influencer then, you will earn 40,000 to 1 lakh, with the number of followers of 50,000 to 5 lakhs. 
  • For macro influencer you need to have 5 to 10 lakh of followers which will pay you 1 to 5 lakhs. 
  • Mega influencers are generally celebrities, who have more than 10 lakh followers and earns 5 lakhs onwards. 

Just a few years ago blogging and vlogging were nothing but expressing one’s passion. Now it is one big way to earn through it. By uploading your topics through blogging or vlogging you can attract readers and bring traffic which will eventually turn into money. Cool, isn’t it?

There are several ways of vlog or blog through which you can earn, like ad placements through Google AdSense and affiliate marketing. 

A blogger can easily start from demanding 20,000 to 30,000 a month in a year. Teens who are newbies might earn less. Don’t lose hope, because Amit Agarwal an Indian blogger, who started his journey as a teen now earns 44.4 lakhs a month. 

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Using Amazon links to earn a commission is almost the same as earning money through affiliate marketing while you are blogging. Amazon associates is an affiliate marketing program that lets you build links on your blogs and website. 

Via which you can earn referral fees when customers are clicking on a product and buying it. This is an easy way to earn, it asks no money from you, and it is quite easy to handle. Check clicka jobs usa. 

You can earn up to 10% in affiliate fees from qualified buys and programs. 

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If you ask me, I will definitely mention online surveys because it is one the best ways through which teens can earn with no hectic schedule. Swag Bag is considered to be the most known site that pays teens for participating in several activities like watching videos, filling out surveys, and shopping. 

Sites that are offering surveys are Toluna, Telly Pulse, Castrate, and many more. They have a fixed number of surveys to offer that can be attempted in a month. 

The raring process here is a bit tricky, you have to earn points that can be turned into cash, through PayPal, cheques, and gift vouchers. You can earn 1,000 to 2,000 a week. 

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There you go with 5 Ways To Make Money As A Teenager Online with Zero Investment.  I have named and mentioned all the ways that a teen can earn money through. 

Be prepared for the difficult person test, as some companies prefer them to be applied to you, or some just ignore the fact.  Leave a comment in the comment section. 
