Three Women-Owned Business Websites by Visual Artist Rey Rey Rodriguez

Visual Artist and Entrepreneur Rey Rey Rodriguez is the founder of The Mind of Rey Rey®, a full-service branding company, offering marketing (web design & maintenance, SEO, app creations, graphic design, growth advisement, ads, text, email, and social media marketing and verification guidance) and multimedia services (sound & video recording and editing, and photography). Rodriguez works with several women whose businesses are rising. Presented below are three powerful women-owned business websites designed by Rey Rey Rodriguez.

Survivors Link Up (SLU, formerly MNCRC) was founded in Minnesota on May 2021, by entrepreneur Yanelin M Valdez, a survivor of the foster care system, human trafficking, and homelessness. Their website provides information, resources, and safe-transitional housing for young adults between 18-24 years old who no longer receive help from the foster care system due to their age. The survivor-led community organization uses its connections and resources to help these individuals that have nowhere to turn to, and are in need of a supportive community, by providing them with mental stability, education, and accountability for their future.  

The Website: The vibrant colors instantly pop out at you like the website launches. A blue background header, with a neon orange and white logo, greets the viewers. The site’s main images our four rectangular-shaped drawings containing women consoling, bonding, and expressing love to each other. Two of the images are framed with a neon orange outline, and two are framed with purple. The “Contact” and “Volunteer Application” forms have an unorthodox mix of bright colors along with animation that appears upon hovering over the options. While most resource-based sites are dull, the layout, brightness, and visual warmth felt from the imagery and helpful information, give the viewers the feeling of an organization with the mission to spread love and help those in need.

Green Canoe Coffee is a Canadian-based, coffee roasting company, founded by Kelly Jones. Besides the passion, she has for fresh coffee and the coffee business, Miss Jones is a strong supporter of women entrepreneurs and the environment. On her website, she states“ I value fresh coffee, supporting women in coffee, and small farms utilizing sustainable coffee practice. Nature is medicine to my soul, and I strive every day to make good choices for our beautiful planet and my children’s future in it.” Kelly supports local farms, community sustained agriculture (CSA), and small businesses. Her high-quality coffee beans, her method of roasting, packaging, and rapid shipping practices makes Green Canoe Coffee one of, if not, the freshest and best-tasting coffee.

The Website: The website scrolls smoothly, and doesn’t overwhelm the user with many options. The site does not use the typical full-screen layout that most sites use today. It has an old-fashioned, centered layout, with lots of modern features. You can almost smell the fresh coffee while staring at the main photo and the thumbnail buttons photos. white background is soothing; the brown fonts match the color of the coffee imagery, and the small hints of green match the company’s logo and add a touch of nature. There are four options of coffee beans that have animated thumbnails when hovered over. Overall impression: simple, easy-to-use, and elegant. One visit to this site and you’ll wish for a warm and cozy place to sit, with a hot and fresh cup of Green Canoe Coffee.

Kathryn Milam, a former editorial intern for the literary magazine, “The Georgia Review,” and Bachelor of Science degree recipient in anthropology, founded the Editor’s Couch. Her passion for editing, motivated her to use her experience and skills to create this business and to help others. Her quote, “Writing is an act of perseverance; embracing the vulnerability of editing is an act of bravery.” Gives you an understanding of her dedication and love for editing.

The Website: The website’s introductory image is that of an old-fashioned, rustic typewriter, which gives the viewer the feeling of being seated in front of this writing machine, and preparing to get to work typing. The site’s photos, the white background, and combination of dark blue, light orange, creamy white chocolate, grey, and the exotic periwinkle blue, gives the opening page the warm, welcoming, soon to be enlightened feeling that one used to get when visiting a library or an old-fashioned, mom-and-pop bookstore, where people would meet to study, and writers would create their stories and novels. The home page is divided into strips that reveal encouraging quotes, a photo, and a different set of colors that animate and appear on the screen when the user has scrolled to its’ section. Entering this site makes you feel comfortable, trusting that this company will help you to edit your future award-winning work.

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