Diamond 4C's – What They Mean And More!

Whenever there is talk of the 4Cs, diamond engagement rings are inevitably somewhere along the conversation. The 4Cs refer to the four parameters that describe every diamond: clarity, cut, carat weight and color. With this article for your blog, you will finally be able to keep up with diamond lingo like a piece of cake!

What is diamond 4cs chart?

The diamond 4cs chart is a rating system used to grade diamonds. The four letters identify the diamond’s color, clarity, cut and Carat weight.

Color: Diamonds come in many colors, including yellow, blue, green, pink and purple.

Clarity: Diamonds are graded on their clarity. The higher the number, the clearer the diamond. Clarity grades range from SI1 (very clear) to I (intermediate).

Cut: Diamonds are graded on theircut. The higher the number, the better the quality of the cut. Cut grades range from Excellent (the highest rating) to Poor.

Benefits of a Diamond 4C’s Chart

Diamonds are a trusted and popular form of jewelry. They come in various shapes, sizes and colors. Many people choose to buy diamonds as a means of expression and love. Diamonds have several benefits that make them well worth the cost.

A diamond is composed of carbon, nitrogen, silicon, oxygen and water molecules. These elements combine to create a crystalline structure that supports a flawless diamond (1). Diamonds have been around for over 100 years and have proven to be durable gemstone materials.

There are many factors that determine the quality of a diamond. The 4Cs classification system is one way to measure a diamond’s quality (2). The 4Cs stand for Carat weight (ct.), Cut (i.), Clarity (ii.) and Color (iii.). A good cut will refine the diamond’s rough surface so it can light up more brightly and evenly. For higher quality diamonds, the clarity grade should be above 8 on the scale. The color grade should be excellent or very good for diamonds that are less than 2 carats in weight.

Diamonds are SI- certified which means that they have been inspected by an independent body to verify their quality (3). This certification assures buyers that they are getting accurate information about the diamond they are purchasing.

What does a diamond mean on a 4Cs chart?

Diamonds are one of the most valuable gemstones, mainly because of their rarity and their beauty. In fact, a diamond is the hardest and most expensive gemstone to produce.

The four Cs of diamonds (cut, color, clarity, carat weight) all play an important role in assessing how a diamond will look on the finger.

Cut: The cut of a diamond tells you how well it was cut and polished. Poorly cut diamonds may have inclusions or other defects that will show up as blemishes or bumps on the surface of the stone. A properly cut diamond will have no blemishes or visible flaws.

Color: Diamonds come in many colors including blue, yellow, green, pink and white. Most jewelers prefer diamonds that are colorless or very slightly tinted with only a few faint areas around the edges of the diamond. A too-hued or “flamboyant” diamond may not be as visually attractive as a more muted color diamond and might be less costly to set.

Clarity: Clarity is another important factor in evaluating a diamond’s appearance. A high level of clarity means that all imperfections – such as blemishes and inclusions – are seen clearly under high magnification. Many buyers prefer diamonds with fewer than 3 flawless points (visible from direct view) because these diamonds appear more sparkly and have fewer distractions from other details on the stone’s surface. Approximately 5% to 10 % of diamonds are considered flawless.

Carat weight: Carat weight is simply a measure of how heavy a diamond is. A carat is equal to 100 points and most diamonds fall into one of the following categories based on their carat weight: under 1/2 carat, 1/3 carat to 1/2 carat, 1/3 carat to 3/4 carat and over 3/4 carat.
