Shame on You China- Revolt at The Front of The Chines Embassy


Overwhelmingly reciting ‘Disgrace on you China,’ many youngsters accumulated external the Chinese Embassy in Yangon on Sunday. Their gathering was to condemn Beijing’s sponsorship of Myanmar’s military dictatorship, local media announced. Shame on You China- Revolt at The Front of The Chines Embassy.

According to the reports, the young protesters were seen carrying homemade and written placards. At the same time, they were asking that China stop funding the military.

‘Stop helping the military,’ read one of the placards. Another placard read:’ the military regime of Myanmar is’ Made in China.

Myanmar’s military launched a revolution on February 1 and overthrew the newly elected National League for Democracy (NLD) administration. Claiming voter fraud in elections in November 2020 that saw the NLD win a resounding victory. While there is a worldwide denunciation of the military stroke, China has issued a muted reaction, saying it has “noted” the progress.

On February 1, foreign ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin told a regular news briefing in Beijing that they have perceived the happening in Myanmar and are further understanding the situation.

He added that China is a good neighbor of Myanmar. We are looking forward to a positive response from all parties in Myanmar. And we hope that they will balance their differences properly under the constitution and legal system. Also, they will safeguard political and social stances.

Meanwhile, understudy association pioneers from 18 colleges sent an open letter to Chinese President Xi Jinping. The purpose of writing was to encouraging China to acknowledge Myanmar’s will to end military principles. Also, to reestablish the district’s regular citizen government, neighborhood media declared on Sunday. Shame on You China- Revolt at The Front of The Chines Embassy.

The Irrawaddy stated that China and Russia continue to defend Myanmar’s military, maintaining that the armed forces’ takeover from the democratically elected government is Myanmar’s internal affair.

Meanwhile, at a special session of the UN Human Rights Council on Friday, several United Nations representatives deplored the military’s conduct.

Myanmar’s giant neighbor China, however, distanced itself from the human rights concerns of the world, with China’s representative to the UNHRC saying, “What happens in Myanmar is essentially Myanmar’s internal affairs.”

That position is consistent with China’s reluctance, along with Russia, to condemn the military takeover at the UN Security Council meeting last week.

Protesters from Myanmar started to demonstrate in front of both nations’ embassies, urging them not to help the military regime. Mass street marches in Myanmar, meanwhile, began their second week on Saturday. People from every field of life marched peacefully on Mandalay’s streets on Saturday, carrying similar red placards.

The placards read: ‘Do Russia and China support the Junta of Myanmar?’ People from all aspects of life marched peacefully with the same cards in Mandalay. Their boards and cards threaten China and Russia, who help the military in Myanmar. Shame on you, Russia, and China tweeted a Twitter user from Myanmar.
