The Art of Writing Long-Form Articles for Your SEO Blog

“Keep your message short! Generation Y’s attention span is similar to goldfish! They don’t want to stay with lengthy-form content.”

They were incorrect.

The short-form content guidelines were commonplace from the beginning of SEO until quite recently.

It was believed that the modern viewers simply weren’t able to handle longer-form content, and that they would not stay for long enough to warrant the effort required, and, in the end, wasn’t Facebook shifting towards “Video First” in the first place?

In the end, nearly every bit of that advice was completely wrong.

Modern audiences can be happy with lengthy content, and when you give them something worth their time, they’ll definitely stay.

That Video first mistake proved to be one of Facebook’s most disastrous choices ever.

Long-form content is an extremely efficient tool for gaining traffic and links. But only if you use it correctly. Poor long-form writing is more damaging than simply not doing it.

Let’s discuss long-form content. What exactly is it? What can it do to aid you in getting your message noticed? How can you be sure that you’re doing the right thing?

Continue reading to learn more.

The answer is really dependent on the person you talk to.

Certain experts will inform you that long-form refers to anything longer than 4000 words, which is a step into the realm of e-books. While e-books are beneficial in terms of traffic and site monetization We’re not planning to look into the subject in the near future.

To be precise, we’re talking about articles that are long form or anything of 1500 words or more.

Word count can be difficult to imagine if you’re not an experienced writer, so consider it this way. 500 words is about one page of paper that is single-spaced. It’s short and simple to comprehend, but isn’t going to offer any in-depth details.

1500-200 words, and beyond, is more than that, and comes in between 3 to 4 printed pages. However, that size allows you to really dive into the subject, giving details of examples and explanations in a manner which a shorter form of writing simply does not permit.

Long form has its own set of challenges.

First of all, creating 1500 words may be more difficult than people think. However, the problem isn’t the length. It’s the writing of 1500 words worth taking the time to read.

The millennials, the most vilified age group, are blamed for not staying focused enough to engage long-form content. They actually are capable of it however, they only would like it to be enjoyable.

Consumers of all ages, particularly young people, are aware of the fact that they are wasting their time. If you’re unable to create content that is worth reading it won’t get the views and traffic you’re looking for.

If you’re able to execute it correctly it has numerous benefits.

Google is notoriously secretive regarding their algorithm, however what we do know is that content with longer duration is ranked higher.

The problem is that nobody is completely sure of the reason, since the details of the massive search engine are secured much more tightly as Fort Knox.

However, what we do know is that a study of 2012 found that the top 10 results for more than 20000 keywords shared one thing they all had in common that was length. Each result exceeded 2500 words. It was shocking at the time as internet experts were convinced that there was no way for anyone to read anything longer than 140 characters.

If you are able to write a long essay on an issue, and write it in a way that is engaging there’s a good chance you’re either an expert copywriter who is adept at excellent research, or a specialist.

Your average viewer assumes experts.

Long-form content makes it appear that you are an expert in your field. It is delivering more in depth than superficial details that an average person does not have, and that creates the impression that you are an expert.

Information that comes directly from an official is likely to get shared via social media platforms, and more likely to get considered serious and it is more likely that the information will be reviewed in the event that further questions about the subject come up.

It’s a fact that if you are able to retain someone’s attention on your website for more than 90 seconds, you’re most likely to retain them on your site for the rest of their lives.

A lengthy piece of, about 2,000 words takes around seven minutes of reading according to the average. If you are able to keep someone engaged for the entire period, they are getting more engaged in the content you write about.

If they remain longer, they’re more likely to visit your website, to sign up and join your email newsletter. The extra time can be the distinction between a once-in-a-while user and a loyal customer.

Did you recall the 2012 study? It also revealed that longer-form pieces were much more likely to include comments and share in comparison to shorter articles.

There’s no single explanation However, here’s our best guess: When readers read (remember that it’s an average time of 7 mins) they invest in the information. When you invest in the content, your response. When you combine deep investment and reaction to get them engaged, you’ll see engagement.

This is a solid engagement, we’re discussing. The kind that is posted, retweeted, and pinned.

Engagement naturally results in conversions, which increases your authority which aids in gaining rank, which in turn encourages engagement…the entire process is fed to itself until you have an auto-sustaining ranking machine. 

Now we’ve got you convinced that you are awesome with long-form.

However, the whole process is accompanied by the caveat. If you’re doing it wrong it’s best to avoid it altogether. Long-form isn’t just like keyword stuffing. It will be effective for a time before falling off. Poor quality long-form could also be unnoticeable.

How can you be sure that your content for long-form is great? There are a number of essential methods.

There are various kinds of content that you’re likely familiar with. You’ve seen your basics on how-tos, broad overviews, resource posts and more.

However, the problem with lengthy articles is that you aren’t able to be confined to a single type of content to be profitable. Due to the amount of information involved any article that is a guide, will end up being more of an overview as well as a source. This is also true in reverse. A comprehensive overview can be a useful resource, and even a brief news item.

The reason behind this is the depth. For longer pieces you require more high-quality information to increase the word count. Therefore, you must broaden your perspectives. More details and more connections…it increases your word count . It also adds the context and the interest.

The most important thing to remember is not to overburden yourself with lengthy content. Begin with the type of content you want to achieve; however, be prepared to expand your kinds of posts.

There is a certain benefit to this whole topic of attention spans, however it’s not what experts on the internet were so worried about.

We’ve already proven that users are willing to stay with an extended post. However, that doesn’t mean everyone is looking forward to the vast text wall.

Check out how we’ve arranged this post. Are you noticing anything?

There are two things to consider, in fact.

The first are the paragraphs. The paragraphs should be short and no longer than 3 (maybe perhaps four) sentences. This makes use of all the space that is white on the paper, and also helps keep you from becoming fatigued.

The second important thing is subheadings and headings. They can help break up the text and help make the text easy to skim. Be sure to keep your subheadings relevant to ensure your reader is aware of what’s in store.

Even if you’re writing an opinion-based piece You’ll have to prove your point by a solid data source.

There are by using one of two methods and it’s good to include both methods if you have the option.

The first method is by telling stories. Connecting your ideas with real people can make them more relatable and allows your readers to feel more connected to your content.

The other is via precise numbers. Think about studies and analyses. If you can support your claims with proof and proof of its effectiveness and is effective, you’ll be more trustworthy and more shareable.

Long-form articles can be a bit complicated and time-consuming to make However, their reward is worth it
