White House Said to Be Prepping For War With Iran?

The White House Said to Be Prepping For War With Iran? fully withdraw from the United Nations and specifically from the UN Security Council. Why? Well, the administration has heard the loud calls from various countries for the United States to withdraw from the UN altogether. The United Nations has been completely taken over by the anti-US sentiment. So, why would the United States want to withdraw from the United Nations?


The United Nations was formed during World War II when the US joined the League of Nations. The League of Nations had much more power and control over various countries than the United State. During this time, several nations were bent on taking America out of the scene and wanted nothing to do with the US. That’s when the United States decided to withdraw from the League of Nations and the United Nations

The White House has said

Now, the United States has said that it will withdraw from the United Nations. Why is the United States doing so? One reason is that the United Nations Security Council has been giving the green light to countries such as Iran and North Korea to build nuclear weapons. Those two countries are said to violate resolutions passed by the UN Security Council. Iran is one of the biggest sponsors of international terrorism and was once wanted very badly by the United States. However, the United States decided to work very hard not to put pressure on them.

Another reason the United States is prepping for war is that China does not want the US to get too friendly with Russia. Since the Chinese took a position against Russia and rubbished the US claim that Syria used chemical weapons, the US is going to start looking to work very hard not to upset China’s relations. The US is also hoping that Russia will help them defeat the Islamic State. If that happens then the US might not have to go into Afghanistan anymore, at least for a little while.

Now then, does the United States look prepped and ready to go to war in the Middle East? I honestly don’t see how. I think we’ve been over there so long that the population is beginning to forget what happened. Some people even blame the Bush Administration for starting the Gulf War, although that could have been one of his last moves to prep for something else in the future.

The truth is that the US has been fighting these proxy wars for a decade now. We have not won a single one. I also believe that the number of deaths in these conflicts has increased due to poor training and leadership. The United States can’t win any more wars unless it has a very effective ally that can defeat its enemy on the battlefield. Unfortunately, we don’t have that today.

Does the United States Government look prepped and ready to fight? It would seem that they do, although some elements within the government are not interested in a quick victory. Some elements within the government are trying to bring about a coup d’etat, as many people already predicted that they would be. In this case, the United States would be caught between a rock and a hard place, and it doesn’t look like President Obama is preparing to be either one of those situations

The White House has said

White House Said to Be Prepping For War With Iran?. However, if you wish to ask if the United States is prepping for war in the Middle East, then the answer would be yes. However, if you wish to know whether the United States is prepping for peace, then the answer would be no. Perhaps you should try harder to find that answer? Please consider all this and think about it.
